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An important aspect for any operating company are the feedback and ratings that we receive from our guests. The importance of online ratings in this time of digitalization is becoming more and more important. We are very pleased with positive feedback and constructive criticism helps us to improve further. We are extremely grateful for any feedback, which enables us to respond more specifically to your needs and helps us to shape your stay even better. All rating portals offer not only us but also you an overview and orientation regarding the experiences and impressions of our guests. The clock in the Edelweiss never stands still and since years, we are investing a lot of time and heart energy in renovation during the off-season of the hotel in order to make sure we can offer our guests the best possible product and facilities. Hereby tradition and modernity are perfectly combined and the traditional charm of the house is retained.
Have you already collected holiday experiences and impressions with us? In that case, we would be pleased if you would share your memories of the hotel and Davos with us and the internet community. We look forward to welcoming you again.
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